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27 July, 2018


According to the UNEP (United Nation Environment Programmed), Renewable energy sector is playing a vital role in providing clean energy sector, which show that the sector brought an estimated of 16% of global energy source Last year. Also it closes to produce 20% of the world’s electricity generation according to the report inaugurated by the renewable energy policy Network for the first 21st century (REN21). ’’ The global performance of renewable energy despite headwinds has been a positive constant in turbulent times’’ Said Mohammad El-Ashry Chairman of REN21’s steering committee. China was the overall world’s largest investing country in renewable energy, at a record of $126.6 billion that is up to 31% on 2016. I hope African country will follow the same for overcoming lack of sufficient energy across the region.
Solar energy:
Defined as the radiant light and heat that originated from the Sun. It is a renewable energy that reduces climate change effect. Sunlight intensity differed from location to location on earth. This means careful survey and observations must put in place to have successful solar insulation , Check which purpose you want do with solar energy is electricity, thermal heating  or power load. Now, you will read about solar panel categories, their features and picturing view of some solar panel as we progress in this post.
What is Solar Panel?
Defined as the device that is used to accept the sun’s rays in direct current form (DC) and it can be converted to Alternating Current (AC) by the use of INVERTER and other devices, such as charge controller and battery bank, which I will discuss on them in subsequent post.

Solar panel divided into:
Active Type.
Passive Type.
Active Type: Is the solar panel mounted on space to collect sun light rays with the assistance of photo cells, it is energy Acceptor. Following is its pictorial view:
Passive Type:  This is designing a building with materials that have ability to harness thermal mass or light dispersing properties and designing spaces that allow natural fresh air to circulate. It is energy donor.
Solar panel consists of photo cell with either single junction or multi-junction. Their layers makes them differed. Single junction has one layer, while multi-layer have many layers.
Solar panel generations, their specification and efficiency, will be discuss soon.
First Generation:
Traditional Type.
Mono-crystalline solar panel Features:
-Is the most pure type.
-It has uniform dark look.
-It has circular edge.
-It has higher efficiency, due to the purest of Silicon compound.
-It reach 20% performance.
-It has higher power output.
-It has long life span.
-It has ability to withstand with effect of temperature.
-It has more expensive.
Poly-crystalline Solar panel Features:
-It has blue spackled view.
-Its angle not cute.
-It produced from melting raw silicon.
-It is faster and simple to produce.
-It has lower performance 15%.
-It has low price.
-It has transient life span due to the effect of temperature.
Second Generation:
Thin-film solar cell (TFSC) features:

-It used for photovoltaic power station.
-It used for small power station.
- It has expensive.
-It produces by placing single or more films of photovoltaic materials such as copper and cadmium.
-It is easy to manufacture.
-It is flexible.
-It is not affected by high temperature.
-It occupies large area of space.
-It has shorter life span.
Amorphous Silicon Solar Cell (A-Si):
-It can found in pocket calculator.
-It used triple layer technology.
-It has 7% efficiency rate.
-It has low cost.
Cadmium Telluride Solar Cell (CDTE) Features:
-It has low price.
-It require least amount of water in production.
-It give carbon foot print as low as possible. But it may be toxic, if inhaled.
Concentrated PV Cell (CVP and HCPV):
-It was categorized under multi-junction type.
-It has 41% efficiency.
-It consists of curved mirror surfaces.
-It consists of lens and cooling systems.
-It contained tracker that track the high efficiency Angle of sun rays.
Solar energy consist of different stages before it reach to consumer unit.
Firstly, Solar panel which accepts sun rays using photo cell in DC form. At this level, it can be use to power DC Appliances only. But if you want power AC appliances, there is additional devices such as Battery bank, which serve as storage component at the night time. Also Charge Controller must be install for the purpose of controlling the battery charge, if the battery charge full, the charge controller will cut-off the supply to the battery this make battery to work longer.
Also, there is inverter which inverts DC V TO AC V for the appliances that use AC Current. It must load with full capacity, this is contrary to the Generator because loading it full or overload can spoil it. But Inverter need to be loads all. This means, you must make sure you installed inverter that can take all the require load in your place.
Consulted Sources:
Askari Mohamad Bagher.
Mirzei Mohmoud Abadi Yahid.
Mirhabibi Mohsen.
My little knowledge I thought at school by:
Engr. Dobi Illo @ WUFP B/K.