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29 May, 2018

Electronics Maintenance


Maintenance is necessary, if you want stay long enjoying working with your electronics devices. Even dust can affect your devices, so what about surge voltage? Is the big enemy of electronics devices. That is why now there is surge probe extension cables.

1.     Atmospheric temperature
2.     Generated heat
3.     Humidity
4.     Mechanical shock and vibration
5.     Atmospheric pressure
6.     Wind ,air dust
7.     Radiation
8.     Electro static
Atmospheric temperature: in polar regions may be as   low as -400c and high as+60oc.this type of temperature cycling can accelerator failure in component. Higher temperature environment may cause deterioration of insulation materials in equipment. It may also initial chemical reaction between
the materials used for component, and some very amount of contaminant.
This chemical reaction may ultimately destroyed the composition of the component.
     However 10w temperature environment may also cause deterioration of
insulation material, change in component value softly, melting or freezing of
some component materials and damage due to mechanical contraction. in 
summary, extremes of temperature (low or high temperature)increase failure rate
because  of: 
a)     The effect of contraction and expansion of materials of with change in temperature 
b)    Possible change in component value 
c)     Increase in chemical reaction. 
d)    Melting, freezing or softening of some component material. 
a)     Against the effect of high temperature environment  it is recommended to dissipate heat by use of adequate heat sink or use ventilation method force air cooling method 
b)    Proper choice of component with temperature co-eff3cient of expansion and temperature characteristics should be made as possible in electronics circuit which are made to operate in  temperature  areas  
a)     Indirect heating of equipment to control temperature can applied. 
b)    Correct choose of materials and component for equipment design and construction is also a possible solution.
1.Generated heat: some conductors and other electron device that carries appreciable current during operation will most likely generate appreciable amount heat, this heat generate can cause failure of such device when it exceed power rating of the device. in  addition, it can cause a variation of the normal operational specification of the device and chemical reaction resulting into rapid aging.
a)     Use of appropriate heat sink is strongly recommended
b)    Choice of  component whit low expand such as temperature characteristic is a worthy solution.
c)     Reduction in the internally generated can be achieve by method called deraty
is a method of making a device operators at a level of applied  voltage, current or power less likely to cause excessive heat to   be generate internally HUMIDITY:
This is amount of water vapor in the air. Water vapor is gaseous state of water and is invisible. High humidity increases failure, particularly when it is associated with temp. Under this condition a thin film of water vapor can be found an  component  and surface of  printed circuit board (p.c.b)this can became loonies and form  undesirable conducting path. This can cause failure due, this can due to:
1.     Reduction in value of consulting resistance leading to short circuit.
2.     Encouragement of  fungi growth, leading to reduction in insulation .
1.     force air to dry wet water 
2.     Using sprite liquid by applying it to remove fungi